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This line of research seeks to ascertain the perception of legitimacy of juvenile justice by juvenile offenders who have been sentenced to a sanctioning measure. The objective is to analyse the reasons for the obedience of minors to the rules and those underlying the acceptance and enforcement of judicial decisions.

For this purpose, a field work was set in motion in which an ad hoc questionnaire was elaborated, which, after having been submitted to a validation process by experts, was passed on to a sample of offenders who are complying with a sanctioning measure in the province of Malaga. The statistical analysis of the results allows us to analyse the extent to which minors consider the justice applied to them to be legitimate, the understanding of the criminal procedure they are going through and the proposal of various proposals that allow the perception of legitimacy of juvenile justice by its main users to be improved.

The following are some of the results of the different phases of the investigation:

• Final Project of the Official Master's Degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Policy carried out by the student Ángela Navarro Lacambra titulado "Justicia procedimental: ¿Cómo ven los menores la justicia que se les aplica?". The initial phase of the fieldwork was carried out.

Presentation of the empirical study (spanish)

Presentation of the first results at the 2nd Symposium on Criminological Research held in Albacete, 2015

Publication in the Spanish Journal of Criminological Research "Legitimacy and juvenile justice: perception of juvenile offenders"

Contact us at: oda@uma.es - Tfno.: 952 13 23 25 / Fax: 952 13 22 42